Sometimes being away lets you know how what you miss from home. My latest adventure in NYC was no different. It was an overwhelming mix of emotion and over stimulation of the senses. I'm sure I don't have to describe NYC. Suffice to say it's loud, busy, tall, colorful, smelly, fun, beautiful, scary, and inspirational, all rolled into one. I can tell you that my trip there was incredibly cold. I think it was the coldest weekend in the history of New York, ever. My face stung, my teeth hurt, my fingers burned, my hips ached. It was also emotional for me, and my exploration of the newest place my relationship with my best friend has taken us.
I haven't come up with a conclusion for this yet. Unlike the stories I write, there isn't going to be an ending on this post, there isn't an apparent conclusion at all. I have to think it through. I can react to the five days I spent there in different ways. I am grateful for the experiences I had, no matter what, whether they were positive or negative. I feel a shift occurring in my life. It's not that I fell in love with NYC and want to move there, discovering that I am unhappy in suburbia. I am not pondering a career or marriage change. I have just sensed an almost imperceptible shift in my life, thanks to this trip, and it's something I need to explore.
Booing Taylor Swift During the SuperBowl
1 week ago
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