Well I know I haven't written in a while, and I also realize that I missed Memorial Day, but life has been crazy, and...wait, I don't have to explain myself to a blog! I've been busy, k?
I wanted to share my Memorial Day tale. My mom's uncle was in the Air Force, and his plane crashed during the Korean War. He survived the crash, but had a broken back. He was captured. His back was broken somewhere midway up his spine and he found himself unable to hold his upper body up. He walked with his hands hanging by his ankles, in unbearable pain. His captors beat him daily, despite his broken back. He and his fellow POWs were tortured. They were fed nothing but small amounts of dirty rice, when they were fed at all. He had very little water. Between the dysentery, poor diet, and chronic infections, he lost a lot of weight. His back healed partially, and incorrectly. Over the course of two years he shuffled along, stooped over, through the abuse, lice, and other skin maladies, and malnourishment. When he returned home, his stooped 6'4" frame weighed only 89 pounds.
He eventually healed, although his back had to be re-broken and to heal again. He had children and he never once spoke of his time as a POW. Until about a year ago, when he wrote his story down and gave it to one of his daughters. She emailed it to the rest of us. Those who knew him then always wanted to know what happened. In his matter of fact way, he answered their curious minds. I am going to have my grandma try and find the email so I can post his original story in his own words...but for now...
Take a moment to reflect on the sacrifices that have been made, and continue to be made. Try and separate the soldiers from the war. You may not believe in the cause for fighting, but it has to be done, and will be done, and brave souls will always stand up for what they believe in. They believe in this nation, and the freedoms we have. Soldiers have not always believed in the war they fight, but they know it has to be done, and they will sacrifice to do it.
Thank you.
Booing Taylor Swift During the SuperBowl
1 week ago