I have had many friends come and go in my lifetime. Some I was comfortable with leaving in the past, and others still sting to remember. The strange thing about having friends is the realization that they can change your mood completely from one minute to the next. They can cause you more pain than you knew you could feel, or bring you more joy than you knew you were capable of.
In my constant quest for truth and my place in this world I have relied upon many people. Some will leave you when you need them the most, others you know you can count on for anything.
I know that I am not the best when it comes to telling people what they mean to me. I try to improve, but it has always been hard for me to say what I feel. I know that if something happened in my life I could turn to my friend Michelle and that she would listen. Michelle, I hope you read this so that I can take this opportunity to tell you that I love you. I appreciate all of the things you have done for me, and the things you will do in the future. I appreciate that you are the type of friend that remembers every birthday and will call just to see how I am doing. I appreciate that you put the needs of others before your own consistently, and you do this without a second thought. God bless you.
In High School I had an argument with a guy at lunch one day and left school crying, only to find a bouquet of flowers on my door two hours later. It was a time when I needed to know that I was loved, and nothing more. I had a birthday where she distracted me with strange-acting friends at the drugstore who couldn't figure out how to fill out the photo envelope just so she could fill my room with roses, streamers, and my favorite candy. Yesterday, amid the confusion, frustration, and discontent of my day she wrote a beautiful response to my writing, and I found that it was just what I needed to remember why I write and why I should not give up on this dream.
Thank you.
And to anyone else that I do not express myself to often enough, please try to read through my words and find the meaning within. I am so appreciative.
Booing Taylor Swift During the SuperBowl
1 week ago